CHS Zine Club, 2019-2020

  1. Gracie Hendrix, The Great Debate: L.A.M.A.J, vs. ERIOIOIRE. Oct. 2019. Self-Published: Roanoke, Virginia. TLP, 8 pp.
  2. Gracie Hendrix, Chase Bank (TM) Super Cool Workbook! (TM). Oct. 2019. Self-Published: Roanoke, Virginia. TLP, 8 pp.
  3. Lauren Lassere, Chicken Feet. Oct. 2019. Self-Published: Roanoke, Virginia. TLP, 8 pp.
  4. Lauren Lassere, The Spiral. Fall 2019. Self-Published: Roanoke, Virginia. TLP, 4 pp.
  5. Olchar Lindsann, The Twenty-Twenty Friendly Zine for Any of the Plenty of Senior Zine Club Cognoscenti! June 12, 2020. Self-Published: Roanoke, Virginia. Half Sheet, 8 pp. w/ colour cover.
  6. Sophia Malik, Different Animals in Cat Costumes! Nov. 2019. Self-Published: Roanoke, Virginia. TLP, 4 pp.
  7. Sophia Malik, Untitled. 2019/20. Self-Published: Roanoke, Virginia. Half Sheet,, 8 pp w/full-colour custom embellishment.
  8. Ethan Warner [Unsigned], Untitled (Mushroom Quest Comic]. Oct. 2019. Self-Published: Roanoke, Virginia. TLP, 8 pp.
  9. Haylee Ziegler, Daisy the Goat. Sept. 2019. Self-Published: Roanoke, Virginia. TLP, 8 pp.

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